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Eco Home + Body

Updated: Nov 26, 2022

Today I did something different . . . You may spy a different type of category section in the Store! Eco Home + Body.

You may ask why? What does this have to do with being creative?

That's a great question, being creative is never just about cards and pages, paper and ink or craft glue!

Creative Minds

Being a Creative is not really a choice, most of us it's a whole personality! Sometimes it's all about What is in the eye of the beholder, Why should being creative just be about paper and ink?

There is so many types of ways to be creative and we here at #wildheartcreativestudio are passionate about encouraging creativity which is not just locked into papercraft!

Design a Natural life with Ease

One thing, I myself became passionate about, over the last decade, is creating a life without all the toxic things of this world!

SO therefore I started looking into ways I could change what I was using for Home, Body and in my Lifestyle in general, Not only bettering my health (granted that was a great outcome) but also the main goal was to make my home safer with less waste, chemicals and really thinking about day to day life and the Planet.

Pictured: Soaps created for End of Year Teacher's gifts - created with Silicon Ice Block


“Do you have a desire to lessen the chemicals in your space? Whether you are just starting to educate yourself, or are after a recipe, hack or two for day to day life. I'd like to share with you, what you can do”

Creative Chick

That's who I am behind the scenes, A Gal that's excited about sharing more of #lowtoxliving and the fun things I've created!

Simple Ideas, Creative Ideas. How I work with many different mediums, That are not confined to papercraft. Finding along the way, New ways to think outside the box with alternative ways for everyday needs.

I really do have crazy amount of fun, creating these and of course as it happens - once I get going, when creating some of my oils and body lotions. It really does fire up my creativity, and the ideas just explode!

Life Happens

Sure does, life just flies by, but I refuse to not find ways to encourage my creativity to be used in my everyday life. And I sure do love my creative outlets, wherever I find them. Always seems I am finding more . . . Which also has along the way, Reinvigorated my love of cooking! As a country gal, it's nothing new but sometimes we need a refresh! This is creating in the kitchen the way our grandparents or great grandparents used to do! Nothing too fancy, treats that have been created by me or have been passed down family recipes. Will pop them on here, from time to time, I will make sure to link these to a spot you can download and print.

Pictured: Family Recipe - Lemon Butter in use, each year we have an abundance from our Lemon Trees, a great way to utilise these citrus fruits!

Be Inspired

I find Inspiration from everywhere, day to day life, out in nature or even cleaning up my craft table! Regardless of what your creative outlet or hobby, I hope here you find some inspiration for you to create a passion or outlet for your everyday! You just may, find yourself crafting many unique things, I in turn am here, whenever you may want to reach out, to ask for advice or help. feel free to leave a comment or message me, always happy to help.

Go on Get Creative x

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